
Virginia Farm Bureau Federation AgPAC Endorses Wilt

August 24, 2017

Harrisonburg – This week Tony Wilt (R-Broadway) received the endorsement of the Virginia Farm Bureau Federation (VFBF) AgPAC, a political action committee of Virginia Farm Bureau Federation, in the race for the 26th District seat in the Virginia House of Delegates. “I am grateful to receive the support and endorsement of the VFBF AgPAC,” said […]

Final Veto Update

May 10, 2017

Since I have been back from Richmond, I have enjoyed the opportunity to attend a number of meetings and events to offer a legislative update. There are several additional events scheduled in the coming weeks, and I always welcome the opportunity to speak with constituents in the interim. All work related to the 2017 Legislative […]

I’m in, Join Me!

March 29, 2017

It’s official! Today I filed the appropriate paperwork to run for reelection to the House of Delegates as the Republican nominee for the 26th District. It has been an honor to serve as your voice in Richmond for seven years and I would be privileged to continue to be that voice for the next two. […]

Session Wrap-Up Edition

March 20, 2017

The 2017 General Assembly adjourned sine die Saturday, completing our work on time. However, before I highlight some of our work this session, I want to take a moment to thank Speaker Howell for his years of public service to the Commonwealth. The Speaker announced his retirement last week. Speaker Howell has served honorably, placing […]

Session Update Week 6

March 20, 2017

We are now one week away from the scheduled end of our 45-day legislative session. This week was a productive week for the House of Delegates. We are finishing committee work, reviewing amendments from the Senate, and continuing to work on the budget. We have also started the process of packing up our General Assembly […]

Session Update Week 5

March 20, 2017

This past week we reached the official half way point of session known as “crossover.” As of Wednesday, the House is only hearing bills from the Senate with the exception of the budget, which was taken up Thursday – more on that later. The highlight of the week was undoubtedly a center aisle presentation in honor […]

Session Update Week 4

March 20, 2017

We have now completed 24 of the 46 days of the 2017 session. On Sunday the committees responsible for the budget bills will unveil their complete proposals. Two important deadlines will happen next week. Tuesday is Crossover, the deadline with which each chamber must complete work on bills that originated in their chamber. Thursday the […]

Session Update Week 3

January 30, 2017

Moving into the 3rd week of session, the Capitol has seen record numbers of visitors. Daily attendance by the public has consistently been over 4,500 people a day. I’ve enjoyed meeting with so many different groups and individuals that are engaged in the political process. The local folks that stopped by my office this week […]

Session Update Week 2

January 30, 2017

Today was a historic day for our nation, yet amazingly it was also the norm. For the 25th time in American history, power transferred from one political party to another, yet it was done peacefully and cooperatively. While it is the standard in our nation, we cannot take it for granted or dismiss the significance. […]

Session Update Week 1

January 29, 2017

The 2017 General Assembly session officially got under way at noon on Wednesday, January 11. Even though this year is a short session, we will still be making adjustments to our biennial budget and working to enact policy that strengthens Virginia’s economy, improves our schools, and provides healthcare services to the most in need, without […]