I’m in, Join Me!
March 29, 2017
It’s official! Today I filed the appropriate paperwork to run for reelection to the House of Delegates as the Republican nominee for the 26th District.
It has been an honor to serve as your voice in Richmond for seven years and I would be privileged to continue to be that voice for the next two. While there have been accomplishments and successes, for better or worse change is often incremental. I am confident we can do more to address our challenges…and to be clear, Virginia has its challenges right now. While we used to consistently be rated as the top state for business, a major indicator of our economic vitality, we have begun to slip.
I believe the solution for Shenandoah Valley families and small businesses involves less unnecessary regulation, lowering the tax burden for all citizens and adopting education policy that ensures every child has the opportunity to succeed and meet the current needs of employers in the 21st century. We need to foster an economic environment that encourages job growth with not only more jobs, but higher paying jobs.
As you may have heard, two Democrat challengers have announced and intend to vie for their party’s nomination to run against me. While I expect they will have a starkly different approach to what I outlined above, I wholeheartedly believe that conservative governing is the right approach. I expect a strong majority of 26th District Citizens will agree.
I hope I can continue to count on your support. If so, I have three simple asks that should not take more than five minutes of your time, but will go a long way in helping to kick start my campaign…
1. Support the Campaign
The reality is that spreading our message and advocating our shared values and principals takes resources. While fundraising is far from my favorite part, it is necessary. We have a big reporting period that ends this Friday evening (March 31). Virginia law prohibited me from raising funds during session (which I think is a great law), but I need to catch up to ensure I have a solid show of support out of the gate.
Please consider contributing any amount by Friday, whether it’s $5, $25, $100 or $1,000. As someone who is frugal (my wife may say cheap!), I can assure you every donation is appreciated and every dollar will be put to good use.
You can donate securely online by clicking here and following the instructions.
You can also mail contributions to P.O. Box 1147, Harrisonburg, VA 22803. Please make checks payable to “Wilt for Delegate.” As long as they are postmarked and dated by March 31 they still count towards this report.
Thank you in advance!
2. “Like” my Page on Facebook!
Please click here to “like” my page on Facebook and follow the campaign. Already have? Encourage your friends to do the same and consider sharing my posts throughout the campaign to maximize the reach. Social media is one of the easiest (and cheapest) ways to spread our message!
3. Sign up for Email Updates!
The majority of you reading this likely already receive my emails. However, if you are reading this on our website, social media or if it was forwarded by a friend, please click here to sign up.
Unlike some groups, I make a point not to bombard you with constant emails. In addition to campaign updates, I also provide legislative updates at various times throughout the year and a weekly update during session.
With your help, we can continue to stand strong for our conservative values and principals in Richmond.